Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dog Run Post Are Cemented In Place

Here is the right side.  Note the remains of a dead Cassia alata near the house.   And if you look close between the post you can see a Sabal etonia seedling.   In the left front you can see the Variegated Meyer Lemon returning from the freeze that almost did it in.

And above it the left side.  Towards to front is my nearly killed Silk Floss Tree.  And towards the rear is my Wilma Avocado.   It looks OK.  But the combo of the freeze and spring drought has taken its toll as well.  Next pictures will include the fence.

Its No Longer a Case of the Mayhaw May, The Mayhaw Did!

The Mayhaw is full of pretty red berries.   For the first three years, I thought it would never make it, but this year, sure enough it looks great, and it made a couple dozen berries.  It'll be another few years before I can make even one jar of Mayhaw jelly, but one year it will happen.  

Not for the Squeamish

Multiple live births. Don't enlarge if you are squeamish.