Sunday, March 21, 2010

Things are Waking Up, Out Comes the Tung Oil Trees

Brave Young Plants open their sensitive growth to an unpredictable world. Spring has retreated again, allowing winter to return for a brief 3 day encore. Temps dropped suddenly to lows in the upper 30s and brutal westerly winds near 30 miles per hour. In the little time it took water the newly planted Golden Rain trees and Blueberries, my ears were stinging from the cold. Hard to believe in a couple of days will be back to sunny days and highs in the low 70s again. Which brings me back to the photo. This 1 year old Tung Oil tree seedling is particularly attractive at this stage with the two little red dots at the base of each leaf, and the center looking like a tiny cabbage. Click the photo for enlargement. 

The Tung Oil trees, which are incredibly beautiful when they flower, caught my eye a few years ago.  I was not sure what they were until last year.  I collected some seeds under one and found them quite easy to germinate and grow, reaching 5 to 7 feet tall in their first full year in the ground.

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